
A fast and secure way to transport text and files (like images, pdf, ...) from A to B. Just follow the four steps and confirm with 'Encrypt'.

In case you need any help or have questions, please feel free to check our FAQ section.

Step 1: Select the lifetime ?
How often/long should your message be accessible?

Your message will be accessable for exactly one time.

Step 2: Select the message typ ?
What do you want to transfer?

This message will be (latest!) deleted from the database at 06.Mar.2025 no matter which date is defined above

Drag your image (jpeg / jpg / png / gif) here or click in this area.

This image will be deleted at least at 20.Feb.2025 no matter which date is defined above

Drag your file here

This file will be deleted at least at 20.Feb.2025 no matter which date is defined above

upcoming feature
upcoming feature
(PW generator)

Step 3: ⇩ Optional settings ⇩

Step 4: Encryt message & generate Link